Improvement Research for the Performance Appraisal System of Qingdao GM Company 青岛GM公司绩效考核体系改进研究
Status Quo Analysis and Improvement Research on Lighting Designs for Museums 博物馆照明现状分析及改进设计研究
The Analysis and Improvement Research on Compensation System of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd 中国建筑第五工程局薪酬体系改进方案研究
Improvement Research and Application of Flex RIA Framework Flex的RIA软件框架的改进研究与应用
Improvement Research on Harmonic Detecting Based on Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory 基于瞬时无功功率的谐波检测算法改进研究
Sustainable Development Ability Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Research of Family Enterprises in Tianjin 天津市家族企业可持续发展能力评价与持续改善研究
Improvement Research on the Senior Executives 'Reward Systems of a Bureau of China Transport Company Ltd.'s Constituent Company 中交A局有限公司分子公司高管人员薪酬体系改进研究
Mesh Model Based 2D Texture Mapping Method Improvement Research and Its Application 基于网格模型的二维纹理映射方法改进研究及其应用
Republic of China Time Qimen Black Tea Improvement Research ( 1932-1941 Years); 民国时期祁门红茶改良研究(1932-1941年)
Improvement Research of Comprehensive Budget Management in Liaohe Geophysical Exploration Company 辽河物探公司全面预算管理改进研究
Project Management Maturity Improvement Research and Strategy of Liaoning Province Post and Telecommunication Engineering Bureau 辽宁省邮电工程局项目管理成熟度研究及提升策略
Improvement Research on Agent Mode of Medical Equipment of a Company in Guangdong A公司国外医疗器械产品广东代理模式改进研究
Improvement Research on Radar Reflectivity Factor Retrieval Algorithm of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar 星载测雨雷达反射率因子反演算法的改进研究
Corn in-depth Processing Wastewater Processing Technological Design and Improvement Research 玉米深加工废水处理工艺设计改进研究
The Improvement Research of Telecom Enterprise's Requirement Communication during a It-Project's Planning Phase 电信企业IT项目规划阶段需求沟通改进研究
Over All Capability Improvement Research of Army On-site Management in Non-war Operation; 非战争军事行动作为军事力量运用的重要方式,古已有之。
Improvement Research of Parameter Estimation in Polarimetric Whitening Filter of Full-Polarization SAR Image 全极化合成孔径雷达图像极化白化滤波参数估计方法的改进研究
The Improvement Research on the Device for Explosion Limits of Combustible Gases and Fire Resistance Experiment 可燃气体爆炸极限与阻火实验装置的改进研究
Image Blind Restoration and Spatial Resolution Improvement Research 图像盲复原与改善空间分辨率研究
Improvement Research& Simulation Test on Public Traffic Specific Path 公交专用道改善研究及其仿真测试
Improvement Research of Absorption Refrigeration Air-conditioning System for Ships 用于大型船舶的吸收式制冷空调改进研究
Experimental Analysis and Improvement Research of Muffler of Rotary Compressor 空调转子压缩机消声器实验分析及改进研究
The Improvement Research on the Insurance System of Bank Deposit Under the Unified Tax System 基于统一税收制度下的银行存款保险制度改进研究
Improvement research of the accounting statement of human resources. 人力资源会计报表的改进研究。
Improvement Research of COCOMO Estimation Model COCOMO估算模型改进研究
Mathematics thought the educating of ability is the core of the mathematics teaching, and investigate the development process of the mathematics course with the point of departure that the mathematics teaching practice to proceed the anti to think is mathematics to teach and learn with the improvement research. 数学思维能力的培养是中学数学教学的核心,探求中学数学课程的发展过程,对中学数学教学实践进行反思与改进是中学数学教与学研究的出发点。
Newest SSD Technology and PC Memory System Structure Improvement Research 最新SSD技术与PC存储系统结构改进的研究
Failure Analysis on Gear Case Bolt Based on Fracture Mechanics and Improvement Research 基于断裂力学的齿轮箱螺栓的失效分析及改进研究
Improvement Research about Computer Aided Electromagnetic Design of Three-phase Induction Motors 计算机辅助三相感应电动机电磁设计的改进研究